
Approve Assessment

If this option is selected, the teacher will have to approve all the assessments made by the students that propose challenges in order to validate the scores given by them to the answers submitted by other students to those challenges.

The students' scores and ranking will not be modified till the teacher have approved the scores given by the students. The teacher will be able to modify those scores, being the scores given by the teachers the valid ones in case those are different from the ones given by the students that proposed the challenges.

If this option is not selected, the teacher will not be obliged to approve all the scores given by the students, although he will still be able to do it in the cases he considers it necessary. If the teacher modifies a score given by a student, the new score will be the one that will be part of the final individual score of the student. On the other side, if the teacher does not assess the answer again, the score used will be the one given by the student that proposed the challenge.

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