
Add Challenge

This page allows to add a challenge in the QUESTOURnament using the following fields to specify its characteristics:

  • Title: name of the challenge, it should not include the name of the author of the challenge in order to keep the anonymity of its authorship, otherwise, the challenge could be refused of modified by the teacher.
  • Description: it is the body of the challenge, where the problem and the items to be included in the answer are presented. It must be clear and complete.
  • Maximum Score: it is the maximum score that the challenge will be able to reach, it is limited by the Highest Score of the QUESTOURnament to which the challenge belongs.
  • Initial Score: it is the score of the challenge when it is opened and that will vary during the development of the contest.
  • Starting Date: it sets the date in which the challenge is opened, this parameter can only be set by the teacher. When the challenge is added by a student, the starting date is the time when the challenge is added.
  • Closing Date: it sets the date in which the challenge is closed, after this date it will not be able to submit answers, although the author of the challenge or the teacher will still be able to assess the answers submitted during the lifetime of the challenge. It can not be subsequent to the Closing Date set for the QUESTOURnament.
  • Attachments: this will allow to specify the attachments if this possibility was set when the QUESTOURnament was defined.

The system will check that the title and/or description fields are not left empty, in which case an error message will be displayed and the challenge will not be added. The system will also check if the dates are coherent, and in the case that the closing date of the challenge is subsequent to the closing date of the QUESTOURnament to which it belongs, this date will be taken as the closing date for the challenge.

For any challenge, if the initial score chosen is higher than the maximum score set, the maximum score will be also taken as initial score.

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Mostrar esta ayuda en: Español - Internacional