
Assess Answer

This page allows to assess an answer submitted. The score given will depend on how the answer corresponds to what is required in the corresponding challenge.

In order to facilitate the assessment of the answer, a set of assessment elements, each one covering an aspect to assess in the answer, will be used. For each assessment element it will be necessary to:

  1. Introduce a score by clicking the adequate radio button, selecting an option in a selection list presented,ect., which will depend on the scale used for that assessment element.
  2. Introduce an explanation of why that score is given. If it is considered that the reason is obvious, this field can be left empty. However, it must be taken into account that the student whose work is being assessed can make a complaint about the score received.

It is also possible to make a general comment about the work assessed. This comment must be respetful and constructive. The score and comments made will be accessbile to the author of the answer, and to each and every student once the challenge is closed.

The teacher or the author of the challenge will be able to manually modify the global score, in case it is necessary to adjust the score automatically calculated.

The maximum possible score for the author of a correct answer will be the score of the challenge at the time when the answer was submitted.

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Mostrar esta ayuda en: Español - Internacional