
Manage Teams

This option allows to manage the teams of the QUESTOURnament or to change a student from one team to another if it were necessary.

The following information is presented:

  • Firstname/Lastname: it shows the name and the last name introduced by the student when he registered himself in the system.
  • Team Name: it shows the name of the team to which the student belongs.
  • Members: it defines the current number of members that the team to which the student belong has.
  • New Team: it is a field text that allows to introduce the name of the new team to which the student will be allocated.

if the QUESTOURnament has groups defined, when the teacher changes a student from one team to another, he must select the group to which the student belongs. This makes possible to have two teams with the same name whenever they belong to different groups.

If when a student is changed from one team to anothe the team loses his last member, that team will automatically disappear.

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